
IMPA reaffirms commitment to the UN Global Compact in 2023

Mar 27, 2023
IMPA Insights

Almost five years from its initial joining, the Association publishes its Communication on Engagement, describing the practical actions taken to support the UN Global Compact.

“I am pleased to confirm that IMPA reaffirms its support to the United Nations Global Compact and its Ten Principles in the areas of Human Rights, Labour, Environment and Anti-Corruption”, explains Susan Koefoed, IMPA’s CEO, in the Association’s latest Communication on Engagement with the UN Global Compact. Proceeding to describe an extensive list of the various actions that our organisation has taken to support the initiative, the report goes in depth about the practical actions that IMPA has taken in the last two years and a half since its last submission (2021) within its Sustainability pillars, mainly activities organised under the IMPA SAVE or IMPA ACT banner.

In addition to a statement of continued support from our CEO and a measurement of outcomes, the Association’s Communication on Engagement contains a description of the practical actions that we have taken in the last two years to support the Global Compact and to engage with the initiative:

  • Engaging members in collective action efforts on Global Compact-related issues and attracting new participants to the UN Global Compact through their outreach efforts and awareness raising, for instance through our annual Sustainability runs.
  • Organising learning and dialogue events, workshops and training for members on specific topics relevant to corporate sustainability, including IMPA SAVE and IMPA ACT webinars, podcasts, conferences and short courses.
  • Other actions to support the Global Compact and to engage with the initiative, such as recognition of existing members in our SMS database, education, and others.

We invite our stakeholders, supporters, and members to read the full Communication on Engagement and see what their Association has been up to when it comes to the sustainability agenda in the last two years and a half. The COE is now publicly available at

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Head of Digital Media and Communications

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