
IMPA Hamburg 2.0 is Coming

Feb 17, 2023

We are pleased to announce that the IMPA in-person events for 2023 kick off this April in Hamburg and are set to build on the success of our inaugural German event that took place last year.

IMPA Hamburg is a one-day procurement forum that is free to attend for professionals from Ship-Owning and Ship-Managing companies; where throughout the day, they can attend sessions on the latest 'hot topics' for their region and in the shipping industry. Between sessions, attendees also can network with a selection of Ship suppliers, Manufacturers, and Service Providers relevant to them.

Here you can read the full breakdown of sessions from IMPA Hamburg 2022.

In the coming weeks, we will open our registrations for those looking to attend IMPA Hamburg. Still, if you are from a Ship supply company, manufacturer, or service provider, you can register your interest to support IMPA Hamburg today. Spaces are limited, with many already filled; contact our team today to find out more.

IMPA Events News

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Contact Dominic Scott

Head of Digital Media and Communications

Picture of Dominic Scott

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